Culinary Businesses, Perspective of Sharia Economic LawAbstract
If professional zakat is carried out properly, it will be able to overcome economic problems such as poverty which is always a problem in everyday life and there is no solution for it. The lack of public knowledge or understanding of assets that must be given zakat is the reason zakat has not functioned as a means of equal distribution and zakat has not been collected properly at zakat institutions. Therefore, the problem of this research is the awareness of the Muzakki (ASN within the scope of the Wajo Regency Ministry of Religion) in paying zakat and the level of confidence of the Muzakki (ASN in the Wajo Regency Ministry of Religion) regarding the decision to pay professional zakat at the Wajo Regency Baznas. As well as professional zakat management at Baznas Kab. Wajo
In answering this problem, the author uses a Juridical-Empirical approach, while the type of research used is qualitative research. With data collection procedures through Library Research (library research), namely by quoting books that are already available related to the author's thesis which are then quoted directly and indirectly and field research (field research), the author's data collection technique is conducting observations, interviews/interviews and documentation. .
The results of the research show that, it is known that the Muzakki (ASN within the scope of the Ministry of Religion of Wajo Regency) in paying zakat has a significant influence on the interest of ASN within the scope of the Ministry of Religion of Wajo Regency in paying zakat and the level of confidence of the Muzakki (ASN in the Ministry of Religion of Wajo Regency) regarding the decision to pay Professional zakat in Baznas Wajo Regency is known that trust has a significant influence on interest in zakat muzakki. Muzakki's trust is very high because Baznas returns 70% of the professional zakat distributed to eligible muzakki families through the Ministry of Religion's UPZ. As well as professional zakat management at Baznas Kab. Wajo, namely: collection, distribution and utilization, implementation and control, and implementation reporting.
Keywords: Zakat, Awareness, Trust.
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