Movement, Islamic Politics, Khilafatul MusliminAbstract
This research examines the Islamic Political Movement Khilafatul Muslimin in Mallawa District, Maros Regency. This type of research is qualitative, using a historical and phenomenological approach. Then the data sources for this research were taken from Khilafatul Muslimin residents, government figures, religious figures, the police, and community figures who had direct contact with Khilafatul Muslimin residents. Furthermore, the data collection methods used are observation, interviews, documentation, and other reference searches. As well as data processing and data analysis techniques, which are carried out through three stages, namely: data selection, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this research show that the history of the entry of the Khilafatul Muslimin in Mallawa, namely, was led by a religious figure named Ust. Hasbih Nur from Istiqamah Maros in 2015, who gathered several Mallawa residents, held a sacrificial ritual, and then formed a structural representative in Mallawa, chaired by M. Usman Palaloi. Khilafatul Muslimin views the concept of a democratic state as one that is not in accordance with Islamic teachings. The Republic of Indonesia, which adheres to Pancasila, is also considered a mistake in thinking because it does not implement Islam in its entirety. According to them, Muslims can only implement Islamic law in its entirety within a Khilafah system. The Khilafah system in question is no longer limited by state territory but is united in a transnational ideology led by the Caliph/Amirul Mukminin Abdul Qadir Hasan Baraja'. Meanwhile, the existence and movement of the Khilafatul Muslimin in Mallawa are carried out in various ways to recruit members, apart from friendship and direct dialogue with the residents they meet, as well as by establishing free Islamic boarding schools for residents who want to send their children to the Islamic boarding school.
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