Wahdatul Wujud, Ibn Arabi, Semiotics.Abstract
This research discusses Ibnu Arabi's thoughts about Wahdatul Wujud, which can be used as a solution to errors in people's thinking who consider Wahdatul Wujud's teachings to be wrong because there are so many symbols that have the effect that ordinary people are not able to find the true meaning. This type of research is a library research method library study. The research instrument used is documentation in the form of books related to the problems discussed. A philosophical Sufi approach guides the literature review. To support this approach, content analysis is used. The analysis we use is semiotics, which we think will find the meaning of the symbols and signs in Wahdatul Wujud. The data interpretation uses inductive and deductive data analysis. Based on an examination of the material discussed in this research, it can be concluded that according to Ibn Arabi, existence becomes real because God, as the zhahir, shows himself in a container of manifestation, namely in the cosmos itself. The universe is God's appearance (Tajalli); God and the universe cannot be understood except as a unity of ontological contradictions. will try to straighten out the true meaning of the concept of Ibn Arabi's thought in the process of understanding Ma'rifatullah, Ma'rifatul Hakekat, then there will be no more feelings of arrogance, hasud, envy, no takabbur, revenge; there will be patience, tolerance, mutual love, and compassion.
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