(Examination of the Sufi concept of wahdatul wujud and its implications for the concept of Shared life, Co-existence)
Plurality, Being, Oneness of the KhaliqAbstract
The diversity of creatures as God's creation is a fact of pluralism of creatures. Islamic philosophy holds that although God must be worshiped, these created creatures are mumkin al-wujud. Sunnatullah is the number of animals. For the sake of perfection and meaningfulness of life, their existence is intended to support and strengthen each other. Diversity can be dynamic and can also give rise to differences which, if not resolved fairly, can result in confrontations that cause casualties, losses, and even destruction. This research, which is library research, uses qualitative methodology. The findings of this research highlight the plurality of beings and the unity of the Khaliq, raising awareness of the role of God Almighty in the existence of all life. God created plurality to give creatures the ability to choose the best or worst route, each of which leads to heaven or hell in return.
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