
  • A. Mustika Abidin Pascasarjana UIN
  • Muhammad Amri
  • Indo Santalia


Kecerdasan, IQ-EQ-SQ, Wahyu-Al Qur'an


The discourse on the Trilogy of Intelligence, namely intellectual intelli-gence (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ), and spiritual intelligence (SQ), is currently one of the methods used by a group of people to find success in their lives. Intellectual intelligence (IQ) prioritizes logic originating from theories that can be reasoned for in all actions. Emotional intelligence (EQ) prioritizes an emotional/feeling approach in responding to things, while spiritual intelligence (SQ) is a mindset with a spiritual approach or self-confidence in one's actions, so that with this strength, humans can find the meaning behind all the life experiences they have lived. IQ, EQ, and SQ. Based on the view of Revelation/Al-Qur'an, humans are crea-tures created by Allah swt, which is perfect compared to other creatures because humans have various psychological potentials, and these poten-tials determine human quality. These potentials are ruh, aql, qalb, and nafs. According to modern findings, these potentials are then translated into IQ, EQ, and SQ. The potentials given by Allah swt. This makes it possible to bring the people desired by Allah swt to worship Allah, be-come human beings, or vice versa, become human beings who disobey Allah Swt.


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How to Cite

Abidin, A. M., Muhammad Amri, & Indo Santalia. (2024). THE TRILOGY OF INTELLIGENCE AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO REVELATION (ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL IQ, EQ, AND SQ). FALSAFTUNA : Jurnal Aqidah Dan Filsafat Islam, 1(2), 61–79. Retrieved from


