Culinary Businesses, Perspective of Sharia Economic Law, Islamic Economic Value, ImplementationAbstract
The South Sulawesi region historically has a variety of natural resources such as animal resources, in the form of animals that live in the wild and animals that are bred or cultivated. One commodity that has large market potential, especially in the export market and has high economic value is nest wallet. This research is to determine the potential of swiftlet breed-ing businesses in increasing people's income and to determine the sharia economic perspective on swiftlet entrepreneurs in increasing their income in Botto Village. In answering these problems, the author uses a Norma-tive-Empirical approach, while the type of research used is qualitative research. With data collection procedures through Library Research (li-brary research), namely by quoting books that are already available re-lated to the author's thesis which are then quoted directly and indirectly and field research (field research), the author's data collection technique is conducting observations, interviews/interviews and documentation. . As well as the data management and analysis techniques used by the author, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The results of the research show that the swallow's nest business in Botto Village brings changes to the community in carrying out the swallow's business, making changes to social life in a more posi-tive direction and social improvements such as increasing the level of children's education and making it easier for swallow's nest entrepreneurs to give money to the community such as alms, giving infaq. and provide donations and can reduce unemployment in Botto Village. From a sharia economic perspective, swallow entrepreneurs in Botto Village who make sales to increase people's income, the author does not see any gharar in this swallow breeding business because no one is harmed or cheated by either the entrepreneur or the swallow nest buyers. Spraying water on swiftlet nests to maintain the quality of swiftlet nests is recommended as in the swiftlet business world.
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